填写 I-983 表格时,准确性和及时性是确保 STEM OPT 申请顺利进行的关键。I-983 表格不仅为学生和雇主提供了清晰的培训计划框架,还帮助美国国土安全部 (DHS) 监控培训过程是否符合规定。为确保合规,学生和雇主在填写 I-983 时应特别注意提供完整且准确的信息,并按时提交所需的节点更新。表格中涵盖了对学生职业发展的详细培训目标、技能评估和监督计划,所有内容都应反映真实的工作安排和计划。下面针对I-983表格注意事项我们一一来为您解答。


在填写 I-983 表格时,确保提供的 DSO(指定学校官员)信息与学校确认一致非常重要。这包括联系人姓名、职务、电话和邮箱。在大多数情况下,学校的国际学生办公室(OIS)网站会提供相关的指导信息。例如,在纽约大学 (NYU Tips for Completing the Form I-983) 的情况中,您可能会看到这样的 DSO 信息:

  • 联系人: Thomas Sirinides
  • 地址: 383 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10003-7011
  • 电话: (212) 998-4720
  • 邮箱: ogs.stemupdate@nyu.edu

建议在填写前访问学校的 OIS 网站,确保所使用的信息是最新的,并与 SEVIS 系统中的信息一致,以避免延误申请进程。


其中Based on Prior Degree的选项意思是是否以之前的stem学位来申请延期?以纽约大学为例子:如果此申请是基于您最近在纽约大学完成的学位,请回答“否”。如果申请是基于之前的学位,请回答“是”。


Under certain circumstances, an F-1 student may use a prior STEM degree from a currently accredited SEVP-certified school to fulfill this eligibility requirement. To use a prior degree to qualify for the STEM OPT extension, the F-1 student must:

  • Have received their most recent degree (which does not need to be STEM-related) from a currently accredited Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified school.
  • Have received their prior, qualifying STEM degree* (at the bachelor’s level or higher) within 10 years of applying for the STEM OPT extension with USCIS.
  • The qualifying STEM degree needs to be on DHS’s STEM Designated Degree Program List at the time the student submits their application for the STEM OPT extension, rather than at the time that the student received the degree.


表格第二部分是雇主信息。确保雇主名称、地址和联络人信息准确无误。雇主的联邦雇主识别号 (EIN) 也必须正确填写,由于目前SEVP都是联网验证,如果EIN填写错误会导致审核不通过或者RFE的情况。


  1. Section 3: Employer Information
    • Employer Name: 填写外包公司的名称。
    • Employer Address: 填写外包公司的主办公地址,即他们的总部或注册地址。
    • Employer Identification Number (EIN): 填写外包公司的EIN(雇主识别号码)。
    • Site of Employment Address: 如果工作地点与公司总部不在同一个地址,应该在这里填写实际的工作地址,也就是你将要工作的地方。
    • 关于I 983 start date of employment的填写:如果入职时间在stem opt开始之后,则以入职时间为准,如果入职在stem opt开始之前,则该处日期最早时间应为EAD卡第二年的第一天
  2. Section 5: Training Plan: 在描述培训的部分,明确指出你是在外包情况下工作的,以及工作地点与雇主的主办公地址可能不同。如果有多个工作地点,你也可以在这部分进一步解释如何在这些地点间进行培训。





示例:“During my degree in Computer Science, I developed a strong foundation in programming, software development, and data analysis. Key courses included algorithm design, machine learning, and database management systems, which are essential for solving complex problems in a technical environment.”



示例:“In my current role as a data scientist, I apply the data analysis and machine learning techniques I acquired during my degree to analyze large datasets, build predictive models, and optimize processes. These responsibilities align directly with the coursework in statistical modeling and machine learning that I completed during my studies.”



示例:“This position allows me to expand my expertise by working on real-world projects, such as optimizing machine learning algorithms and developing scalable software solutions. Additionally, I am gaining proficiency in using advanced analytical tools like TensorFlow and Python libraries, which are essential for enhancing my programming and data science skills.”



示例:“My role offers ongoing opportunities for professional development, including access to cutting-edge technologies and collaboration with experienced professionals in the field. This continuous learning environment will help me stay current with industry trends and advance my skills in areas such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis.”


Degree: Master’s in Computer Science
Position: Data Scientist at XYZ Corp

“My degree in Computer Science provided me with essential knowledge in programming, machine learning, and algorithm development. In my role as a data scientist, I am directly applying these skills to analyze large datasets and develop predictive models, aligning closely with my academic training. Through my work, I am refining my understanding of data structures and statistical methods while gaining hands-on experience with advanced machine learning tools. Additionally, I have the opportunity to expand my technical skill set by working with new software platforms like TensorFlow and PyTorch, which are critical to the field of artificial intelligence and data science.” 这样描述就可以全面展示学位与工作的相关性,表明你通过该工作提升STEM技能并在工作中应用所学的知识。


在 STEM OPT 申请中,提交 I-983 表格是非常重要的步骤,且申请过程要求定期提交进展更新。以下是按时提交 6 个月和 12 个月节点更新的详细说明:

相关文章:关于STEM OPT延期,定期更新I983的义务

相关文章:I-983 Self Evaluation怎么写? 什么时间递交Stem OPT Self Evaluation?

  1. 6 个月节点更新
    • 时间点:自 STEM OPT 开始之日起,每6个月更新一次,即在OPT开始后的第6个月、12个月、18个月等。
    • 更新内容:学生和雇主需确认培训计划仍在实施,并且双方的职责没有发生重大变化。
    • 提交方式:大多数学校会要求通过学生门户系统提交更新,或者直接通过电子邮件发送给学校的国际学生办公室(DSO)。
    • 重要性:虽然不需要更新 I-983 表格本身,但需要提交一份确认信,表明计划仍然有效。这是保持 STEM OPT 状态合规的关键步骤。
  2. 12 个月节点更新(年度评估)
    • 时间点:在 STEM OPT 开始后的第12个月时,学生和雇主需填写 I-983 表格中的**“学期总结”部分**(Evaluation on Student Progress),评估过去一年的进展。
    • 更新内容:详细描述学生在过去12个月内的技能提升、培训目标的实现情况,以及任何相关的反馈。
    • 提交方式:与6个月的节点更新类似,通过学生门户系统或电子邮件提交更新内容。
    • 重要性:12个月的评估不仅是对学生工作的总结,也有助于确保未来12个月的计划可以有效实施。
  3. 最终评估(在完成时):在 STEM OPT 延期结束时,或在与雇主的雇佣关系终止时,必须提交最终评估。该评估总结整个培训经历,反映是否达成了目标。该评估还需要由学生和雇主双方签字。

在提交 I-983 表格时,务必确保信息准确无误,并遵守各个时间节点的要求,以确保STEM OPT状态的有效性。如果未能按时提交更新,可能会影响学生的工作资格以及签证状态。