I-983 Self Evaluation怎么写? 什么时间递交Stem OPT Self Evaluation?
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什么是I-983表格,I-983的trainig plan是做什么用?
I-983是STEM学生在OPT第一年到期时申请OPT延期时必须提交的必备表格,由雇主和学生共同完成。其中Training plan部分要求雇主确保所提供的职位与学生获得的STEM学位相关,并明确阐述STEM OPT学生在工作中的学习目标以及雇主需要履行的监督义务。如果大家在I-983表格填写有疑问又或者OPT第一年到期寻求OPT延期挂靠可以咨询微信Usakaopu. 那么这篇文章我们为大家阐述,I-983的中期评估与最终评估都包括什么,并且应该如何去完成。
I-983 Self Evaluation包括哪几部分?I-983 Self Evaluation的递交时间?
当STEM专业的学生申请STEM OPT Extension时,他们需要填写Training PLan Form I-983以获得DSO在SEVIS中推荐STEM OPT。当STEM OPT申请人填写I-983表格时,他们容易犯的常见错误之一是填写了第5页的两个评估部分。这两个部分应分别在STEM OPT周期的中途和该周期结束时完成。
其中:当学生工作接近一年时,他们需要让他们的supervisors评估他们如何达到培训目标,并完成I-983表格第5页上的“evaluation on student progress”部分。他们完成此部分后,需要将更新后的I-983表格发送到DSO。
并且:在STEM OPT结束后的10天内,STEM OPT学生应填写“final evaluation on student progress”,并将其提交给DSO。如果学生在STEM OPT期间从A公司转移到B公司,则学生需要在A公司培训机会结束后的10天内完成此部分。当STEM OPT期结束时,学生还需要重新完成本部分,以评估其在B公司的培训计划。
注意:STEM OPT延期的学生需要按时提交I-983的最终评估。该Studyinthestates.dhs.gov着重指出,“不提交最终评估将违反I-983的条款”,从而“可能危及学生的非移民身份。” SEVP Portal将在报告到期日前30天发出提醒。
相关文章:Stem OPT延期?I-983培训计划表格填写指南?
I-983 Self Evaluation怎么写? i983自我评估范例
STEM OPT自我评估的内容包括:
- 个人信息,包括姓名、学校名称、学位类型等。
- 关于您的工作的详细信息,包括公司名称、工作职位、工作描述等。
- 您的工作与您的学位相关性的说明,以及如何使用学位所学的知识。
- 您的工作计划,包括计划实现的目标、期望的成果、计划中的培训和职业发展机会等。
- 您的雇主对您的工作计划的评价和支持。
写STEM OPT自我评估时,请注意:
- 用简洁明了的语言描述您的工作和学位的关系。
- 证明您的工作是与您的学位相关的,并详细说明您将如何使用学位所学的知识。
- 明确说明您的工作计划,包括计划实现的目标、期望的成果、计划中的培训和职业发展机会等。
- 证明您的雇主对您的工作计划有支持。
i983自我评估范例(STEM OPT self-evaluation example)
Self appraisal comments highlighting strength areas
I am actively promoting a culture of clear communication and openness within my team. I understand the benefits of using constructive criticism when necessary and positive feedback to reinforce a work atmosphere that supports growth and learning and that everyone enjoys!
I find immense value in communicating with my team about important decisions. We have a culture of shared decisions, and everyone’s opinion matters, regardless of seniority.
Growth and development self-evaluation examples
I am actively promoting a culture of clear communication and openness within my team. I understand the benefits of using constructive criticism when necessary and positive feedback to reinforce a work atmosphere that supports growth and learning and that everyone enjoys!
I do my best to answer emails and messages promptly and politely. I can improve my tone of voice since some people perceive me as overly critical.
Company or personal core values examples
Since the company’s core values align with my own, I find them easy to follow. I constantly look to contribute to causes that expand collective consciousness, and that’s also what my research does.
Self-evaluation performance review examples
I have been successful in achieving a 95% customer satisfaction rating, surpassing the company target of 90%. This was accomplished by implementing a proactive approach to customer service and timely resolution of issues.
My sales performance has been strong, with a 30% increase in closed deals compared to the previous quarter. I have achieved this by refining my sales pitch and adopting a more consultative approach to understanding customer needs.
Working under pressure self-evaluation examples
One of my positive attributes is that I work well under pressure. Last week, we had to prepare a quarterly plan for a stakeholder presentation, and half the team was on sick leave. I managed to take on some of their most critical tasks while finishing the plan well ahead of time.
I always meet deadlines thanks to my strong prioritization skills. When I lack experience in a specific area, I plan extra time to ensure I finish my tasks on time before submitting them to my manager.
Problem-solving self-evaluation examples
I am flexible and adaptable. I find it easy to go with the flow and find creative solutions as new problems arise.
My ability to find effective and efficient solutions to problems has been a strong suit in the previous quarters. A notable example was during a system downtime incident that threatened to halt our operations. I was able to quickly diagnose the problem, engage the right stakeholders, and coordinate efforts to bring the system back online, minimizing the downtime and its potential impact on our client service delivery. This incident further solidified my problem-solving skills and underscored the importance of quick decision-making in crisis management.
I am proud of my knack for problem-solving. Throughout this past year, I was able to effectively identify and handle various issues that arose within our team. For instance, when we faced a significant logistical challenge in Project X, I was able to promptly devise and implement a strategy that not only solved the issue but also prevented similar occurrences in the future.
Innovation and creativity self-evaluation examples
I regularly consider the input from others and try to find a solution that everyone is happy with.
I constantly challenge the status quo and look for ways to innovate and improve.
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