
Premium Processing加急处理申请攻略:I-129表格/I-140表格/I-765表格/I-539表格
MaxOPT 致力于OPT期间保身份,OPT延期extension身份转换,Day-1CPT入学问题,境内配偶签证申请,背景调查,更多细节请加微信 USAkaopu 咨询。

注:自2023年6月13日起, 希望更改为F-1、F-2、M-1、M-2、J-1或J-2身份的申请人,且已经提交了待审的I-539表格(延长/更改非移民身份的申请),可以通过在线或邮寄方式提交I-907表格(加急处理请求),来申请加急处理,而无需重新提交新的I-539表格。有关正确的提交地点,请访问uscis.gov/i-907。
注:自2023年6月26日起, 希望更改为F-1、F-2、M-1、M-2、J-1或J-2身份且尚未提交待审I-539表格的申请人,可以在线或通过邮寄方式将I-539表格与I-907表格一起提交到Montclair地址
注:自2023年4月3日起,寻求选择性实习训练(OPT)或科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)领域OPT延期的F-1学生,可在线或通过邮寄方式同时提交I-765表格和I-907表格。(相关文章:是否可以在美国境外递交I-765 OPT申请?)
什么是Premium processing加急处理?

Premium processing加急处理指的是随同要求优先处理移民申请的类别,一同提交1-907表格到移民局审核,他适用的申请表格类别包括:
- Form I-129,非移民工作签证申请,包括常见的H1B、L1和O类签证,将在15天内做出审批决定。
- Form I-140,职业移民申请,包括EB1、EB2和EB3类别,将在15天内做出审批决定,其中EB1C和NIW移民申请将在45天内审批。
- Form I-765,工作许可申请,通常针对持F1学生签证的学生申请OPT或STEM OPT时选择加急处理服务,审批结果将在30天内给出。
- Form I-539,申请延长或变更非移民身份,适用于F1、M1、J1签证持有者及其家属,审批结果也将在30天内做出。
申请此服务需要支付费用。如果您申请加急处理,USCIS会在以下预估受理时间内完成受理(实际情况会有误差),否则将退还加急处理费(当然这种情况不存在的 ☺☺☺:
- 大多数分类的案件为15个工作日;
- I-765表格为30个工作日;
- I-539表格的申请人(请求更改为F-1、F-2、M-1、M-2、J-1或J-2身份)在满足所有先决条件后为30个工作日;
- I-140表格中的E13多国企业执行官或经理分类及E21国家利益豁免分类为45个工作日。
注意:加急处理时间从我们收到完整且正确填写的I-907表格(包括所有必要信息、有效签名和正确费用)开始计算。在规定的时间内,USCIS开始审核后将采取以下行动:发出批准申请-Approve Notice; 拒绝申请-denial notice; 意图拒绝通知-notice of intent to deny; 要求补充证据-request of evidence; 或展开欺诈或虚假陈述的调查-open an investigation for fraud or misrepresentation。
谁可以办理Premium processing 加急申请?

注意:提交I-129表格、如果为北马里亚纳群岛内受益人请求身份更改或首次授予身份的申请人,不符合加急处理资格。H-1B、H-2B和某些H-3分类可能受到年度配额限制。要确认是否适用于配额限制以及配额是否已满。提交I-907表格不能为您提供特殊的配额优待。H-1B、H-2B 和某些 H-3 分类可能受年度名额限制(“配额”)的约束。我们建议您确认您的申请是否适用于配额限制,以及该配额是否已满。提交 I-907 表格不会为您提供配额方面的特殊优惠。
1.关于I-129 Form 加急: 15个工作日内得到批准
Designated Classification Within Form I-129 | Corresponding Nonimmigrant Classification | Availability Date1 | Termination Date2 |
Treaty trader | E-1 | June 1, 2001 | |
Treaty investor | E-2 | June 1, 2001 | |
Certain Specialty Occupation Professionals from Australia | E-3 | Feb. 24, 2021 | |
Specialty occupation workers | H-1B | July 30, 2001 | |
Temporary worker performing nonagricultural services | H-2B | June 1, 2001 | |
Trainee or special education exchange visitor | H-3 | June 1, 2001 | |
Intracompany transferee, executive or manager capacity | L-1A | June 1, 2001 | |
Intracompany transferee, specialized knowledge professional | L-1B | June 1, 2001 | |
A petitioner meeting certain requirements which seeks continuous approval of itself and some or all of its parents, branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates | LZ (Blanket L-1) | June 1, 2001 | |
Individuals with extraordinary ability or achievements | O-1 | June 1, 2001 | |
Essential Support Personnel performing services for a principal O-1 nonimmigrant | O-2 | June 1, 2001 | |
Internationally recognized athlete or member of an internationally recognized entertainment group | P-1 | June 1, 2001 | |
Essential Support Personnel who performs support services essential to the successful performance of the principal P-1 nonimmigrant | P-1S | June 1, 2001 | |
Artist or entertainer under a reciprocal exchange program | P-2 | June 1, 2001 | |
Essential Support Personnel, who performs support services essential to the successful performance of the principal P-2 nonimmigrant | P-2S | June 1, 2001 | |
Artist or entertainer in a culturally unique program | P-3 | June 1, 2001 | |
Essential Support Personnel, who performs support services essential to the successful performance of the principal P-3 nonimmigrant | P-3S | June 1, 2001 |
2.关于I-140 Form 加急: 15个工作日内得到批准
Designated Classification Within Form I-140 | Corresponding Employment-Based (EB) Immigrant Visa Classification | Availability Date1 | Termination Date2 |
Aliens of extraordinary ability | E11 | Nov. 13, 2006, and reinstated June 29, 20093 | |
Outstanding professors and researchers | E12 | Sept. 25, 2006, and reinstated June 29, 20093 | |
Members of professions with advanced degrees or exceptional ability not seeking a National Interest Waiver | E21 | Sept. 25, 2006, and reinstated June 29, 20093 | |
Skilled workers4 | E31 | Aug. 28, 2006, and reinstated June 29, 20093 | |
Professionals4 | E32 | Aug. 28, 2006, and reinstated June 29, 20093 | |
Workers other than skilled workers and professionals | EW3 | Sept. 25, 2006, and reinstated June 29, 20093 |
3.关于I-765 Form 加急: 30个工作日内得到批准
Form I-765 Category | Description | Availability Date | Termination Date |
(c)(3)(A) | F-1 student, pre-completion Optional Practical Training | Please refer to the upgrade chart below for pending and concurrently filed applications. | |
(c)(3)(B) | F-1 student, post-completion Optional Practical Training | Please refer to the upgrade chart below for pending and concurrently filed applications. | |
(c)(3)(C) | F-1 student, 24-month extension for STEM Optional Practical Training | Please refer to the upgrade chart below for pending and concurrently filed applications. |
Designated Classification Within Form I-539 | Corresponding Nonimmigrant Visa Classification | Availability Date | Termination Date |
Academic Student or Dependent of F-1 | F-1, F-2 | Please refer to the upgrade chart below for pending and concurrently filed applications. | |
Vocational Student or Dependent of M-1 | M-1, M-2 | Please refer to the upgrade chart below for pending and concurrently filed applications. | |
Exchange Visitor or Dependent of J-1 | J-1, J-2 | Please refer to the upgrade chart below for pending and concurrently filed applications. |
F-1学生申请OPT和STEM OPT延期的加急处理
从2023年3月6日开始,USCIS 开始允许针对F-1学生和STEM OPT延期的加急处理服务。截至2023年4月3日,所有类别中F-1学生提交的待处理或初次申请的I-765表格均可申请加急处理。F-1学生还可以在线提交I-907表格以申请加急处理。
I-765表格批准后,EAD卡大约两周内会制作完成,并通过美国邮政服务(USPS)以“通知投递”的方式寄出。由于邮递时间不同,建议等待最多30天再去查询。可以跟踪卡片的投递进度。如果超过这个时间还没收到EAD卡,可以联系查询。请访问e-Request – Self Service Tools (uscis.gov)了解如何提交查询的说明。
更多文章:有必要申请OPT或者STEM OPT加急服务吗?
为申请境内调整为 F-1、F-2、M-1、M-2、J-1 或 J-2 非移民身份的 I-539 申请人提供 Premium Processing 加急服务
自2023年6月13日起,美国移民局(USCIS)为申请将身份变更为F-1、F-2、M-1、M-2、J-1或J-2的申请人提供加急处理服务(Premium Processing)。申请人需先提交完整的I-539表格(申请延长/更改非移民身份),确保所有信息准确无误,并附上必要的支持文件。之后,可在线提交I-907表格(加急处理申请),并支付加急服务费用(当前标准为$1,500)。该服务旨在加快审批流程,为需要快速获批的申请人提供便利。